Think you might
be a victim of
human trafficking?

Identify. Speak up. Help yourself and others.

More than 7,000 people in Europe are recognised as victims of human trafficking every year – illegal labour, sexual exploitation, forced crime, and the sale of underage family members to others. The reality is that twice as many people are victims but don't dare or don't know where to turn for help.

In today's rapidly changing world, we are bombarded daily with various offers — to work, travel, move from country to country.

Ar žinojai kad 9 iš 10 nukentėjusiųjų nuo prekybos žmonėmis nusikaltimų buvo apgauti, pateikiant melagingą informaciją apie darbo sąlygas ar kelionės tikslą?

Before deciding to work, provide a service, or travel with strangers — consult with loved ones or seek advice from professionals.


We invite you to explore the stories of those who have experienced human trafficking. All stories are based on true events, with the names of characters changed.

Assess the risk

Evaluate how your daily choices guarantee your safety 
and resilience against human trafficking crimes.


Would you like to apply for psychological, social support or legal advice?


Tarptautinė migracijos organizacija (en. International Organization for Migration, toliau – IOM) yra tarptautinė tarpvyriausybinė organizacija, Jungtinių tautų sistemos narė.