Victims of trafficking crimes can benefit from social, legal and psychological support to help them recover from exploitation.

Help is available regardless of age, gender, nationality or living conditions in Lithuania.

Assistance and support is organised by non-governmental organisations, state institutions and national security services.

Choose the issue you are most concerned about below and apply 24/7. You can get immediate remote counselling or arrange further psychological, legal and social support.

I want to apply for psychological, social assistance or legal advice.

I would like to report a crime committed against me or another person.

I lost my personal documents. I need help restoring them.

I recently arrived in the country - I would like to learn about community activities and social assistance.

Would you like to apply for psychological, social support or legal advice?

Call the toll-free helpline of the National Association Against Trafficking in Human Beings at 8 800 91119 (+ 370 616 91119 outside Lithuania).

You can find contacts of NGOs where you can get help HERE.

Do you want to report a crime committed against you or another person?

We invite you to call the general emergency number 112. Tell the operator about the circumstances of the incident or suspicions, and provide any information you know.

We invite you to fill out an anonymous report on the Lithuanian police portal

Have you lost your personal documents? Need help to restore them?

We invite you to contact the nearest Migration Department branch in Lithuania.

Have you recently arrived in the country? Would you like to know about community activities and social assistance?

Kviečiame susisiekti su IOM Lietuva darbuotojais nemokama linija Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje 8 800 22 922 (+370 5 251 4352 – įprastas tarifas skambinant iš užsienio į Lietuvą) arba apsilankyti HERE.

I want to apply for psychological, social assistance or legal advice.

Do you want to report a crime committed against you or another person?

Call the toll-free helpline of the National Association Against Trafficking in Human Beings at 8 800 91119 (+ 370 616 91119 outside Lithuania).

You can find contacts of NGOs where you can get help ČIA.

I would like to report a crime committed against me or another person.

Would you like to apply for psychological, social support or legal advice?

We invite you to call the general emergency number 112. Tell the operator about the circumstances of the incident or suspicions, and provide any information you know.

We invite you to fill out an anonymous report on the Lithuanian police portal

I lost my personal documents. I need help restoring them.

Have you lost your personal documents? Need help to restore them?

We invite you to contact the nearest Migration Department branch in Lithuania.

I recently arrived in the country - I would like to learn about community activities and social assistance.

Have you recently arrived in the country? Would you like to know about community activities and social assistance?

Kviečiame susisiekti su IOM Lietuva darbuotojais nemokama linija Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje 8 800 22 922 (+370 5 251 4352 – įprastas tarifas skambinant iš užsienio į Lietuvą) arba apsilankyti HERE.